Zabbix SpeedTest issues

few improvements

I use Zabbix to monitor my private IT infrastructure. One of the monitored parameters is the ISP connection speed. For this purpose I used a custom Zabbix template from git:

Nothing is perfect, including this monitoring script. When my crontab tries to execute the measurement script, I get an error telling me that the selected server ID is unavailable for connection speed testing.
At that time I was using the speedtest-cli package from the official apt repository. The problem is that this package allows a test connection to the selected server ID, which in my case changes daily.
I had the opportunity to test the connection speed with some server ID returned by the speedtest-cli --list command and the other day I got an error because the list of available servers had changed.
I decided to change the speedtest-cli package to the official Ookla's speedtest package available here:

This change required several changes and improvements to the script.
All my changes can be found in my GitLab repository: